I've done two things lately.
1) Missed a few training sessions due to family and being sick.
2) Continued to break PRs on my Deadlift
How are these things possible? Well...look at my overhead press. I missed a few pressing sessions and my OHP went straight to the toilet in a couple of weeks. Why didn't my deadlift do the same?
My deadlift still rose because there are many ways to BUILD a deadlift and we know the exercises that do it the most.
SS Yoke Box Squats with bands or chains (Training Dense Sessions, not casual sessions
Chain Suspended GM's
Glute Ham Raises
Technique Work on Deadlifts
And I've continued to do all of these. Even when I've missed a deadlift session I've more than made up for it by BUILDING my deadlift instead on my Powerlifting Dynamic Effort Wednesday!
Here is just a short example of me feeling down, missing a deadlift session, and making up for it by BUILDING my deadlift with all of the above!