I’ve got an awesome exercise today that will help you to Bust Through Your Sticking Point on the Deadlift: Stacked Band Deadlifts. Jeez, I wish I invented these..
Anyway, todays’ topic: Bust Through Your Sticking Point with Stacked Band Deadlifts will be easier to understand if you watch the video at the end of the Log.
But, I’ll go over it just in case.
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We should all know that value of deadlifting against bands to build speed and strength right?
But what about attaching bands at multiple spots in the lift to work where you are weakest?
The best way to get strong(er) is to work your weakness and using stacked band deadlifts with the bands set up to address your sticking point will give you results quickly.
I’ve been using these in my Powerlifting programs, both raw and equipped as well as Strongman programs with excellent results. I program them in on Max Effort says and Dynamic Effort days.
The video below from my site TPSMethod.com is of one of my multi ply lifters, Cheryl, doing Stacked Band Deadlifts on her Dynamic Effort day. She tends to stick just below the knee, as many do. This could be addressed by simply using chains or bands as normal, but using Stacked Band Deadlifts and adding one in just below her sticking point and just above on Dynamic Effort day allows her to build speed and use Compensatory Acceleration all the way to a snappy lockout.
If you want to Bust Through Your Sticking Point with Stacked Band Deadlifts on Max Effort Days that works too! It just makes it more a grinder at the top.
If you can grind through a lift pretty well but have trouble with moving the bar fast, Stacked Band Deadlifts will probably be better for you on Dynamic Days.

But if you are like me and have no problem going fast, but shit the bed at grinding a hard lift out, Stacked Band Deadlifts will probably be better for you on Max Effort Days.
Give them a try.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
April 7, 2022