It's almost noon on the West Coast and the temperature is already flirting around the century mark.
The hotter the better for me. It keeps many folks indoors and allows for me to Prowl and Growl. Get'n stuff done in a pair of shorts and a smile is the way I like to get about.
The Bench Program for Max Effort wasn't only productive, but EVERYONE liked this one only in a HUGE way.
Work up to a HEAVY 5 reps using One board
-Then work up to a heavier 5 reps using TWO boards.
-Lastly work up to the heaviest set of 5 reps off THREE boards.
The additional boards or the reduction of range of motion allows for a constant increase in weight as you go along.
THEN...Drop it back down to 185
Put a Sling Shot on and do >15 reps which will allow for an increase in the next set.
If you don't get 8 reps, go down in weight. 8-14 keeps you in that weight.
If you are cooking along at 15 keep going..but NO MORE than 25 reps
Add the next increment of weight. So for us, 185 becomes 225. Repeat the above procedure.
Since we got 25 reps @225 we went up to 275 for the third and final set. (Still nailed it with big reps) So next time we will start at 225 and hopefully end at a big rep set @315
Three sets of DB lateral raise: Again, 15+ reps gets you the next heaviest dumb bell. I ended using the 45's for 15 reps doing these STRICT formed.
Pull aparts: 2 sets of 10,000 No kidding! Even though someone gave me feedback on the assignment board with a "WTF?"
Shrugs: Using the SSB Yoke bar: 3x30 x 365
This type of training gets right into your psyche. I promise you this...NEXT week we will BEGIN counting the reps only AFTER it starts to hurt.
Blistering Bike Ride Commute: 14 minutes (and that's only because I stopped at the lights)
Sprints: 10x50 yards. Must be a billion degrees out. But it's a dry heat!