Couple years back, my daughter did an exhibition lift at Relentless. She deadlifted 75x5. In fact, Marshall didn't reveal to her that it was in fact 75# on the bar until after she completed all 5 reps.... proving a point that she did more than she thought she was capable of doing (thought only 70#).
Whenever we go to the gym, she usually does something training related. Sometimes it's just monkeying around and sometime she will do some specific exercises. Lately she's been asking to do full workouts. She loves deadlifting so I incorporate that a few times a month.
She's almost 10 years old, which is a great age to start, but I still want to take load and intensity into account.
Couple weeks she did deadlifts (seen below), 3x5 along with some lunges, pushups, pullups and a few other things.
Yesterday she asked to workout again, so here is what she did:
A1. KB deadlift
A2. TRX Rows
B1. Step-ups
B2. Pushups
Circuit- 10 minutes
Hand over hand sled pull
Prowler push
Medball Shoulder press
Medball Slams
The idea behind what we do is to find mostly bodyweight, non-loading, non-eccentric exercises. Deadlifting might be the only main "loaded" exercise we do. Here are just a few ideas to use with young kids.... stay tuned as she continues to train:
Animal crawl movements
Sled pushing
Med ball throwing
KB deadlift (these are a great teaching tool for how to get into a good position for picking something up off the floor)