I always ask the question of new people coming to start my program, ''why do you want to train with ME?"
I've heard some really great reasons in the past, but the one I most admire is that of the former C.O.O. of Yahoo during its heyday.
Dan answered, "It doesn't matter your lot in life, nor is it your economic or social status, but the first time you meet another man in the first fifteen seconds there is that thought that crosses your mind...' can I kick his ass?'
If your answer is "NO" then you better get started and be humble."
I couldn't agree more! Especially during this period of time that I am bringing back Toxic Masculinity (tongue in cheek).
If you can safely say that you can, then you're probably not in need of too much.
However...if you have a fleeting thought that your ass is about to get kicked, then it doesn't matter how much money you make, or your job title. You can't buy or bully your way into strength and conditioning. That round shape that you have been working on for years is about to make you hurt.
Get TWO workouts per day.
Make one of them outside!
Don't get your ass kicked and start NOW!!!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 33 mins
Squats: 2" above parallel; 12x12
Dead Lift: 2 hole pin pull; 12x12
This is a 44% increase in volume over Monday's session.
It made the bike commute home, quite tedious (but oh what fun!!!) taking 32 mins