In my quest to be pain-free I have been looking for a one size fits all approach. I was hoping to find the right warm-up, or stretch, or rehab program for my complex issues. I wanted to find all the answers in one neat little package.
Interestingly, searching for this answer had me retracing the steps for some of my accomplishments. When benching 900 equipped and 605 raw did I follow one simple approach? No, I followed a conjugate plan, but it wasn't something I just found. I created and nurtured a plan from those bones to meet my specific needs and adjusted it as needed.
With losing 120 lbs did I follow one nutritional plan that I saw online? No. I played with keto, carb backloading, carb cycling, iifym, intermittent fasting, and a variety of other approaches. I found what worked and allowed it to evolve.
So why was I so pissed when something like Defranco's Agile 8, or a Kelly Starrett mobility WOD did not cure me? Because I was being lazy and looking for an easy answer. Going back, I have never had an easy answer before so I don't know what made me think this would be any different.
When you are new to training and nutrition almost anything you try will work. At that point, there's no need to stray from the plan. However, after you have been around a while, that one size fits all approach will probably come up short.
Be prepared to go through some bad times. There will be trial and error along the way. Keep doing your research and be methodical in your quest for improvement. Just don't be surprised when you can't find one easy answer. Most things that are worthwhile never come easy anyway.