Nothing is as good a compliment as when one of my team brings in a family member and TRUSTS my process.
I don't take the responsibility lightly. I treat spouses as if they were my own and the off spring as if they were my OWN child.
I have a wonderful Father/Son combo that comes in EARLY morning. Dad has stuck by my training for almost a decade and the son has grown while attending and sometimes NOT attending the sessions.
I have a special place for this kid as he isn't so much a competitive athlete as he is a wonderful performer, or in the instance "Magician" with legit skills.
Dad and I are built from the same moral fiber and understand that it indeed "takes a village to raise a child", and he allows me the liberty to treat his son as I would my own son, Hunter.
Everyone knows that I am Hunter's worst nightmare AND his biggest advocate. We have a standard by which we live and although it's deemed "Old School" by many, and quite harsh at times, everyone that meets H is impressed by his character and his ability to present himself well.
I demand that of the kids that I have interacted with. I do NOT tolerate the "Snowflake" population. I enjoy knowing that my son uses the MEN'S room and the Ladies he associates with recognize my son will treat them as the royalty they are until THEY wreck that.
I was speaking to this young man this morning about "Posture" both the physical kind and the Presentable Posture that is a MUST in today's society. This young man "slouches" and does not carry himself well and I am in constant reminder mode with him.
Remember its a bad HABIT and not an honest effort to piss me off.
It requires 300 reps to create a proper movement pattern versus 5000 to correct a faulty one. We have had numerous conversations on MULTIPLE occasions, and I'm wondering why HE DOESN'T GET IT?
Then I remember there are different LEARNING styles. There is verbal where a person understands the language and can gain an understanding. There is Visual learning, where a student needs to be SHOWN a demonstration of the task in order to understand the material presented, and there is TACTILE learning, where the student needs to be PHYSICALLY taken through the protocol. Then there is the combination of any two or all three.
After exhausting the Visual and Verbal cues, I had reached out and TAGGED the young man with a swift straight hand to the pectoral to which the surprise on his face was far beyond fear or pain. It was more of SURPRISE and that fact that I caught him OFF GUARD that I hope became THIS learning experience.
I know that I didn't damage the goods as the contact was made from the full length of my outstretched arm and there wasn't much POWER displayed. However the SPEED of the interaction was DEADLY and very accurate.
Hopefully, as Pavlov had discussed in his writings about "Behavior Modification" (ring the bell and the dog will salivate) THIS will bring about my presence and this young man's posture will come into align so much that we reach those 5000 reps and simply have the ears over the shoulders, the shoulders over the hips and the hips over the knees. NO SLOUCHING and a posture that tells anyone in the room that HE IS the Alpha in the room.
Why is all of this important and background to the real reason anyone improves themselves physically???
I was training a C.O.O. of a HUGE tech company here in Silicon Valley and asked him WHY do you want to train with me? His answer resonates to this day as it has become LEGENDARY and true.
He said, "It doesn't matter your position in any company, it doesn't matter your socio-economic status nor your LOT IN LIFE, the first question you always have when you meet ANYONE new for the first time very briefly...CAN I kick that person's ass? I know you never question that and I want to feel so badass that I never have to either."
I thought about that and there were NO HOLES in that logic.
Train yourself to be ABLE to PRESENT yourself that everyone in a room thinks if it gets down to it...YOUR that person that can kick everyone's ass!
Today's Training:
I had a lot of volume plugged into Arms and Shoulders today for the groups...
Nothing fancy, just kept things moving and worked all accessory stuff EXCEPT for Big Mike Smith and me.
Every now and again I get a wild hair or two and pick a person or couple of people out of my clan and go mono y mono with them.
Mike is a good sport and tough as nails. Him being batshit crazy helps too.
So he and I just went ahead and did
100 Pull ups and chin ups and 200 dips and pushups...NON STOP!
Anytime Big Mike would sit or look "not so gooder" I would pick up the pace and act as if nothing was bothering me. Hahahahaha...he's a great competitor and a better friend.
Then I bike commuted home in 20 minutes.