The journey continues. I find no one ahead of me, nor do I find anyone behind me. I'm not more advanced than others or way behind. What I find is that I am EXACTLY where I need to be.
Life is NOT a contest.
We are all Teachers as we are all Students.
Fat Bar Floor Press: Work up to 50% of max x 5 reps
Once there, do one rep and keep adding chain clusters to each side every set. Work up to a one rep max
"Murph Chains": 3x5x5x5
One Arm Neutral Grip DB Overhead Press:
Work up to a heavy 8 reps starting with the "off" arm. Match it with the good one
Then reduce the weight 30% and do as many reps as you can using the rest/pause technique.
Rest for 20 Seconds then repeat it one more time.
Bradford Press:5x8
Face Pull Combo Hi-Lo; Lo-Hi
Negative Accentuated Curls: 3x6 with a 5 count negative.