All I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym.
There is a method of training called “Chaos” training. There are many forms of this, but one example would be to train your squat in a way that your body will be prepared if you begin to fall forward - out of the groove. Things like heavy triples on the arch back, good mornings, max effort suspended good mornings and pause squats are some examples of this.
It’s a technique that allows a lifter to train and overcome a bad situation, so if it happens, they are strong enough to recover.
The point is to know what the shortfalls are based upon the norms of the lift and the weak points of the lifter, and then be ready in case they occur.
In business this would be known as risk assessment and management. In life it’s awakened realism, self awareness and taking personal inventory in order to know weakness and how to counter them, build them or use them to an advantage.
If you apply “Chaos” training to all you do, you will always be ready (or for most things) and know what to do.
The biggest lessons, success and growth are the positive effects of chaos.