My son, Hunter plays for two teams during the Hockey season. The Santa Clara Blackhawks is his club and travel team and he also GETS to play for Coach Derek Eisler (who was at one time the Head Coach of the San Jose Sharks of the NHL) on his Elite team for the NorCal Blazers.
Coach Eisler is a constant coach and sends "reminders and Lessons" for the boys (and us parents).
Here is his latest correspondence and at the most appropriate time I may add...
"We start with the most important theme of all, because without Character/Integrity, any other behavioral characteristic that you have or claim to have will be doubted. Integrity is the most important of all the traits that one must possess to be successful in life.
Being a person of integrity is especially critical for people in leadership positions or those who aspire to become leaders. People will not follow leaders for very long who do not have integrity, because they can’t be trusted.
The moment poor character and a lack of integrity are exposed, people start “heading for the hills” away from the supposed leader. This is because while the person said that he/she stood for certain things or certain standards, once it's revealed that the person really did not live by those standards, he/she can no longer be trusted to be telling the truth.
However, integrity and great character are required of people in all walks and stages of life – not just leaders. No matter what you do in this world, if you interact with others, you must live with integrity if you want people to trust you. Trust is a key building block of any solid relationship, and trust starts with integrity.
Integrity is basically when your actions and your beliefs are in alignment. When you say you have certain standards and values, and then you go out and live by those standards and values, you show yourself to be a person of integrity and character. You are someone who walks your talk. Your word is good. Your signature has value. People know that what you say and what you do will be one and the same.
However, when you claim certain standards, and then when faced with a choice, choose to act in a way that is not accordance with your standards, you are living a lie, and you are showing yourself to be a person who lacks integrity.
For instance, student-athletes are often asked to sign an athletic contract. Their signature on that athletic contract is saying, “I will live by the standards and rules set forth in this document.” However, the person who lacks integrity signs the contract and then goes out and does whatever he/she wants to do without regard to what the standards and rules have set forth as the proper behavior for them to exhibit.
As you make your way through life, choose to walk the path of great character and integrity. “If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.”
Thank you all for a great weekend of Winter Extension Clinics – what a blessing to work with these young men and women. The two clinics that took place this past weekend were well attended, and many, many skills where worked on. Athletes were challenged to be really good people for their winter clubs and for their coaches. Don't be a donkey, and make sure the you're going about your business and being a good citizen for your club.
Thank you all for a great weekend. If there is any question that you have when it comes to hockey, please email or call.
God Bless, Derek"
Today's training:
3 board Bench Press to a 3 rep max:
Continue up in weight until the three reps is very heavy. Then add 10 total pounds MORE for an additional two sets of three.
Rolling DB Tricep Extension:
3x8 as a warm up
2x8 HEAVY We used 50's
Seated DB Over head press:
Keep the resting hand extended with the weight over your head: 3x10x35
Shrugs: 4x12x445
Monster band face pulls: 4x15
Derek Eisler was never the head coach of the SJ Sharks. He was head coach of the China Sharks of the Asia League, though.