Rhodes, Wendler, and I have a text chain that we sporadically chat on. It's usually about training and even more usually about how f@cked up mine and Jim's bodies are. Go figure, Rhodes and his Marfans, not to be confused with his Onlyfans, is hanging in there better than we are.
It's really helpful to bounce ideas off of one another. I also feel that just texting what we are up to keeps us a little more honest with ourselves. There are things I think I could get away with, but as soon as I wonder what they would say if I texted, I already know the answer. Don't do it.
I feel when you become an older lifter with lots of miles, having people to check in with is incredibly important. It's probably a good idea to have for any age lifter. However, the one thing I cannot stress enough is, make sure it's an honest group. You can't have people who will blow smoke up your ass. There's nothing worse than friends who rubber stamp bad ideas and bad lifting.
Where is Rhodes? He never posts anymore. Don't care about Wendler...he's a bore haha.