I will go into some detail later, but for NOW...Pull your ears back over your shoulders with a tucked sexy double chin.
Doesn't matter if you are sitting or standing...Check and recheck every 20 minutes.
That's 3 times per hour!!!
Trust me on this. WE get that fixed, watch what happens
Today's Training:
Dynamic Effort Bench: 8x3@60%
1x As many reps as you can do @70% Record this number!!!
Overhead Press:
5x5@95 for men; 45 for women
1x As many reps as you can do @95 for men: 45 for women...Record the number of reps!
Push Ups: 120 reps for men; 70 reps for women
Rear Delt Raise: 3x10
1x as many reps as you can do from 405,315,225,and 135
Bike: 20 minutes
Sprint I: 10x10 yards
Sprint II: 10x50 yards
Sprint III: 2x100 yards