Just thinking about how everyone gets so angry when one side gets a "leg up" on the other. Doesn't matter if you are a left believing or right believing person. When ever one side seems to be winning over the other, the side that doesn't get what it wants totally dislikes the winning side.
Doesn't matter if its right or wrong, its about the winning and losing, the "I told ya so" mentality.
Whether it's sports, politics, religion, it's always been and always will be about the MONEY!
Those that have it want to keep it. Those that don't have it...want it so they can keep it. In the end, everyone wants the SAME thing...Show me the MONEY as Jerry McQuire would have said.
Check the news. When something becomes "news worthy" I look for the hidden agenda. Something ALWAYS silently comes up and smack us all in the face without us even realizing what just happened.
For this reason alone, I love what I do!!! It doesn't matter who you are, what your economic value is, your position among your peers. It has no bearing on your education or your vocation. What matters is this...when you meet a person for the first time, no matter who you are (especially if you are a MAN!) there is a brief and fleeting moment that comes up inside your head and wonders..."Can I kick that guy's ass?"
If you don't think this, then I know the answer to this question when I meet you!
Do be able to kick someone's ass, (not that you will) you need to have enough strength, speed, and skill to do so. THAT is why you test it in the gym. That's why you began your quest to get stronger, faster, smarter and yes...sexier by hoisting lead, and popping your own heart.
It's simple and everything is brought down to its grass root. No hidden agendas, no flowery politics, no cast system. You put out, you make gains, you become more dangerous.
You don't, you talk a good game, you get called out!
No cheeto eating, Dr. Pepper drinking stack of fat is going to take your position away when you put the work in!
That's why I love what I do!
Today's Training:
Tier I
Run: 5K
Dynamic Bench Press: 15x3x185
Incline DB Chest Press: 3x10x75
OHP: 15x3x125
DB Lateral Raise: 3x10x40
Shrugs: 4x10x455
Run: 13 minutes
Bike Commute: 21 minutes
Tier II
Hip Extensions w Band around the knee: 5x15
super set w/
Push Ups: 5x10
Hammer Strength Leg Curl used as a "Mule Kick": 5x10
super set w/
DB Lateral Raise: 5x10
Bulgarian Split Squat: 5x10
super set w/
Flat DB Chest Press: 5x10
Ab Wheel: 5x10
super set w/
Suspended Knees to Elbow 5x10