Trained chest solo at Strength Beyond in Kalamazoo
2x10 135lb
2x8 225lb
2x10 315lb
Add bands:
1x10 225lb plus 12" red bands
1x8 225lb plus 12" red bands and double micro minis
1x5 225lb plus 12" gray bands
VERY wide grip bench:
2x10 225lb plus double micro minis
Close grip bench:
2x8 225lb plus double micro minis
Incline Hammer Strength:
2x12 315lb
2x10 bodyweight
Pec Deck:
1xfailure with partial reps to secondary failure
I ended up doing quite a bit of volume today, but I really wasn't feeling strong at all. I felt great on squats earlier in the week, but was depleted (and feeling it) here.
I've decided against doing the Master's nationals, but I've kept on the diet for the most part, so my weight is down quite a bit--sitting in the low to mid 260s right now (compared to my peak of the high 280s in the spring).
As usually happens when I diet, my squats go up (I feel better in the squat when I'm not so bloated and tight in the midsection), but my bench goes down--especially when I'm depleted.
Today is a high carb day though so hopefully deadlifts will go better than bench did.