Trained Chest and Shoulders with Randy Howard at Strength beyond in Kalamazoo. We did a lot of band work on presses. I've kind of been on a strength training kick the past few weeks and am realizing that while bodybuilding has always been my primary sport of choice with weight training...I hate training like one...and much prefer training for strength.
"speed work"
2x10 135lb
1x10 225lb
1x5 225lb plus double micro minis
4x5 315lb plus double micro minis
"heavy top end work"
3x2 315lb plus double micro minis plus 12" red bands
"close grip work"
3x10 225lb plus double micro minis
Incline Press:
3x10 225lbs (very little rest between sets)
"run-the-rack" laterals:
1x8 60lb dumbells
1x8 40s
1x8 30s
1x8 20s
1x8 10s
1x8 just my arms
Standing military:
3x10 135lbs (was wrecked by this point)
I put "quotations" around things like "speed work" because most of the time they're probably not exactly correlated with what a powerlifter/strongman competitor would call speed work. I'm not training for any powerlifting meets and am not doing any kind of macro cycles or anything like that...so there's no rhyme or reason to why I'd do speed work...doubles...triples...bands....or anything else other than it felt like a fun thing to do at that time.
My ultimate goal with the training is to add "bodybuilding size" while also getting stronger. I realize that my training isn't ideal for bodybuilding or powerlifting...but I've also realized that when I try to train like a bodybuilder...I end up dreading going to the gym...so I figure that great training sessions that are less than ideal are better than getting shitty workouts in and not enjoying my time in the gym.