As I mentioned in my last training log I've removed chest and "arm" training away from my weekly schedule in order to allow my intensity and effort to be put towards the muscle groups that need more work. See last log for those notes.
I finally decided to train chest and secondary shoulders. Here's how the session went.....
After not pressing for 2.5 weeks I decided to work up to a heavy set of 10 slight incline db presses. My last warm up set was 130's x 12. These felt easy and I was presently surprised, I was also in for a rude awakening. My next set I said, fuck it and decided to make a 15 pound jump, standard for me, to the 145's. I got 6 reps, shit....
So I immediately did a couple of back down sets to add in some volume and punish myself for my ignorance in thinking id be able to bang out 10-15 reps at my max weight after time off. The weights still humble me to this day even after 17 years at them.
Next I moved to chest fly's where I worked up in sets of 12-15 taking 45 second breaks and then did a triple drop set of 10,10,10. After this my chest was smoked so,
I decided to hit a nice high incline with sets of 6 reps with a 3 sec eccentric and a long pause to really push some blood in there. I worked up to 2 plates and a quarter per side and stayed there for 3 work sets.
I ended chest with a modified pressing movement on the dip machine. If you've never used a seated dip machine for pressing check it out. Depending on what machine it is it can give you quite the mechanical advantage to push some weight as well as feel a nice contraction. I alternated 10 reps facing and 10 reps away for three rounds with as little rest as needed in between.
Then for shoulders I moved right into 5 sets of 10 with 10 sec breaks on lateral db raises. I use this technique when I don't really want to spend a lot of time and really get in and out but do some good work.
Next was rear delts on the rear pec-dec for sets of 20 with a long pause at the contraction. I had trouble feeling these so I will do some soft tissue work on my posterior capsule to help unbind things back there.
And for vanity reasons I threw in some triceps and biceps at the end. Supersetted Josh Barnetts triceps cable activation exercise. If you haven't seen this its a must. Its on Josh's iG page under hypertrophycoach. I supersetted that with ez-bar curls for set of 10-12 brining the weight up slightly past eye height. I increased weight each set only on the biceps exercise.
AND lastly I ended with a slight incline rolling db triceps extensions and worked 5 sets of 10 with 45 sec breaks with the 50's. My arms chest and shoulders were smoked.
Here's my current condition around the holidays sitting around 235.