I have been running/jogging for years. During that time there has been one constant, I don't like it. I run for the health benefits.
There's strong evidence that 180 minutes of zone 2 cardio a week is very good for you. Since my focus has turned more to health and longevity over just strength and hypertrophy, this is something I pay attention to.
A few quick notes for those who want to reap the benefits of this type of conditioning. Zone 2 is when you can kind of carry on a conversation while you are exercising. Slightly winded, but not huffing and puffing. I'm not a huge heart rate monitor and gadget guy, but you could also go that route to find your zone 2.
Choose the conditioning you like, or dislike the least as I did. I don't like running, biking, rowing, etc. However, I chose running because it's at least useful at a moment's notice.
Alright back to the title of this post. Yes, the world must be coming to an end because today I actually smiled a few times while running.
Usually, I am staring at my feet going one after the other listening to whatever podcast I need to get through the drudgery. Not today, however, at one point I realized I was happily gazing down the end of the street with a smile on my face. Yep, I swear it.
Wonders will never cease. I never thought there'd be a day when I'd like to run. Maybe I was delirious. Or, maybe there will come a day when I do enjoy running on a regular basis. One thing is for certain, I am going to keep running regardless.