Nothing noteworthy to post on my own training, last Monday................I jacked my back.........deadlifting so explosively and I was hitting a 200 pound heavy bag. I was hitting so hard and its so big I was excessively twisting into my hooks
feeling better now, chiro has worked a miracle. yesterday I did a light boxing workout and some dips, feel 90%! so all last week I just visualized movements and did BW training
I have a bunch of videos to upload but here are some from clients last week nailing huge PR's
All lifts are raw of course.
(Matt Omren, PR's in all three at 215 BW, 600 squat (no wraps), 451 BP, 672 Deadlift at the USPA Meet in Arizona)
(Brad Kleefeld, 264 BW at the CPU Nationals 738 Squat (no wraps), 451 Bench, 705 Deadlift a 70 pound PR total)
(Robert Wilkerson, 600 raw Bench Press in USPA, post injury PR with a close miss at 633)
(Mike Peltz, Masters Lifter, 711 Deadlift Hook Grip Deadlift)