A few months back, Elitefts ran a contest to win some training with any of the coaches we have on the site. I was lucky enough to be selected by an amazing woman, Beverly. She's a figure competitor and mother of 2. It worked out perfect because I was able to work with her for 12 weeks just prior to her prep starting. My goal was to get some size and mass on her and find some variables in training that would help her physique and give her some new ideas.
Can I just say that I have loved your programming the last 12 weeks! It really has been one of the best programs that I have ever done and I believe my body responded very well to this type of training. I started my competition prep two weeks ago.... and I can't wait to see what the end result will be. I know that I have made improvements in my physique since working with you.
I have been able to increase all my lifts during my training. I believe what I enjoyed the most was that every week was different. I think this had the most impact on my physique and it also made training interesting. One thing that you incorporated in my training was a RPE for specific lifts. I had never used this before and it allowed me to slow down and really concentrate on the movement instead of how much weight I was lifting. I loved the changes in rep ranges and the different movements that you incorporated in my accessory lifts.
Thank you and Elite for doing this. I never would have had the opportunity otherwise!!
Here's Bev killing some weighted pullups earlier in the program. Thank you, Bev for the opportunity to work with you and for putting the effort you did into the training. It paid off and I can't wait to see you on stage!