This last week was a reunion between myself and the dirty little slut I used to sleep with. I got rid of her because she was not healthy for me and yet I apparently missed her so much I had to go back for more. Eventually, I will get tired of her again but for now, it's kinda good.
I call her "Contest Prep".
By "good" I mean I feel great being back in prep mode which, to paraphrase, means I thrive under ridiculously high structure. In this regard I am a control freak though I don't exhibit this outside of my bodybuilding endeavors - maybe because ... I have the outlet of bodybuilding to control. I am not looking for a therapy session; I'm just logging my first week of prep.
The week certainly wasn't awesome as far as everything going right but ... when does it, really? I am on track for meals, training and cardio but it has taken some maneuvering to make it all work this first week. I was sick last weekend, Mrs. Skip was sick into the first of the week and we had an emergency with our dog (Princess Tulip) that we had to take her in for emergency surgery. We will push into Saturday with our last training session and cardio session to get it all done but those that know how I operate, the weekends are off limits unless ABSOLUTELY needed. Saturdays and Sundays are family and friends time. If I absolutely need to get something done on the weekend I will do it Saturday morning but, otherwise, I don't do shit on the weekends that is bodybuilding related other than my diet and Skiploading.
I am also testing out a new product I will start distributing wholesale and retail in 2017 and it is working well. It is a yohimbine topical that is not messy and disappears without any residue or sticky gel mess in less than 1 minute. At this point I have no idea how well it will work but will report back in a month or two.
I only have 2 cardio sessions planned this week as I break back into it. The plan at this stage is - as always - to do as little cardio as possible and rely on my diet. I am old and relatively sedentary so I will definitely need to do cardio but it will be cycled and it will not be anymore than is absolutely needed. I will be sure to detail my cardio regimen to give an accurate representation of how I cycle my cardio. Oh, and I will definitely be taking advantage of the pool at my gym and doing postworkout cardio in the pool. I believe strongly that there is really no better cardio option available than swimming or running in waist-deep water. It is non-impact and uses your entire body so that my legs don't get destroyed after months of prepping.
My Skipload will start very small this weekend - probably in the area of only 1 meal to maybe 3 hours, tops. I will report back next week with what I did for my Skipload and you can count on me incorporating the SCGS compound for the Skipload, as well.
Have a great weekend!