I see far to often when things aren't going the way someone expected it to go they try to find a new way or go for the hail mary and see what happens. Both of those approaches are not recommended mainly because they never work and it also shows your immaturity in the sport. The best way to get the best result is to finish what you started and follow the plan. This will allow you to take inventory of what actually worked and what didn't. If you are constantly looking for the perfect program week to week and jumping around you will fail and you will have nothing to show for it. Now I am not saying you can't make adjustments but they should be subtle and not drastic, if you have to make drastic changes you failed to prepare a good plan to begin with. Look your plan over and trust it and commit to it, collect your data and improve each training cycle.
Pause BP- 405lbs x1, 365lbs x3 for 3 sets
Football Bar BP w/ 2chains per- 315lbs x3, 335lbs x3, 345lbs x3
DB BP- 100lbs x10, 110lbs x10, 120lbs x10
SSB JM Press- 225lbs for 3 sets of 6 reps
Lat Pulldowns- 160lbs x10, 190lbs x10, 210lbs x10
Face Pulls- 2x15
Squats- 555lbs x1, 595lbs x1
Pause Squats- 445lbs for 3 sets of 3 reps
Deadlifts- 405lbs for 3 sets of 5 reps
Supinated Lat Pulls- 3x10
Band Crunch- 3x20
Pause BP- 440lbs x1, 462lbs x1, 418lbs x3
CG Spoto BP- 330lbs x5, 341lbs x5, 352lbs x5
Cambered American BP- 315lbs x5, 335lbs x5 for 2 sets
DB Side Raises- 2x15
DB Cleans- 2x12
Overhead Cable Ext- 2x12-15
DB Seated Rear Delts- 2x12-15