Since starting my conditioning block, my second session on resistance training days has been a calisthenics circuit. I'm psyched about the added benefit.
The Walrus is Wendler's "fat, gross cousin" to the Navy SEALs, for the "Suburban Commando" who can mow lawns, shovel driveways, and clean gutters. It comprises a circuit of lower body movements, upper pushes, and upper pulls.
The basic Walrus is 150 squats, 100 pushups, and 50 pullups. It's usually broken down into 10 rounds of 15 squats, 10 pushups, and 5 pullups. This can be done with or without a weight vest. In addition to the lower body, push, and pull I have added a core movement to my circuit.
My push options are:
- Pushups (with or without handles)
- Dips
- Handstand pushup (with or without handles, presently using a progression)
Pull options:
- Pullups (various grips)
- Inverted rows (various grips)
Lower body options:
- Squats
- Lunges
- Single leg squats
- Single leg deadlifts
Core options:
- GHR situps
- Hanging leg raises
- Back raise
- Ab wheel
During this conditioning block, I have been doing my circuits bodyweight only. My goal is to get through them as fast as possible.
What I have found moving so quickly while getting up and down off the ground and various implements is that my body feels awesome. It's like these movements are lubricating my joints. I often start off a little stiff, and by the end of the circuit, my body feels limber AF. Well at least for a 55 year old beat up powerlifter that is.