Congratulations to my buddy Orlando Barbell’s Matt Wallace who competed in his first meet at the APF Summer Siege on July 1st! Matt squatted 265 kgs/584 lbs, benched 227.5 kgs/501.6 lbs and deadlifted 250 kgs/551.6 lbs. The only lift Matt missed was his third attempt bench due to a mis-groove. He definitely has more left in the tank on all 3 lifts. There are so many variables involved in multi-ply lifting that this is a great accomplishment, especially for his first meet. Great job Matt!

Although I don’t have any plans to compete again, this is what I miss the most. The camaraderie of a team of people with a common goal supporting each other. I’m happy to still be able to experience this aspect of the sport. I also appreciate that Matt has started recruiting more lifters to join him in the equipped training. He's a great ambassador for Powerlifting and OBB.
Matt has been following my Minimalist Powerlifting Method eBook for years, eventually switching to the The Equipped Minimalist Method when he decided to switch the dark side. This is just the beginning for Matt.
Thank you to CTX Barbell and I-4 Fit Longwood for hosting the meet, all of the spotters, loaders and judges as well as everyone from OBB who came to help and show their support!