Congratulations to my now long time client and buddy (I’ve been training him since he was 8) Orlando Barbell’s now 12 year old Dean Harris who competed at the APF Summer Siege at I-4 Fit on 7/1/23. He squatted 62.5 kgs/137.8 lbs, benched 35 kgs/77.2 lbs, and deadlifted 85 kgs/185 lbs (missing only his 2nd attempt bench) at a bodyweight of only 52.9 kgs/116 lbs!
Dean is very calculated and calm and continues to improve. I’m excited to see how much stronger he gets as he gets older!
Thank you to CTX Barbell and I-4 Fit Longwood for hosting the meet, all of the spotters, loaders and judges as well as everyone from OBB who came to help and show their support!