I'm still trying to figure out this new WordPress format, so I'm way behind on my posting.
On May 31st at the APF Showdown at the Storm Orlando Barbell's Jon Burnham had just about the best day possible on the platform. He went 9 for 9, got 3 huge PRs going 678-480-683 for an 1841 total to win 1st place in the Junior 242s, 1st place in the Open 242s, an all time top 70 Junior total, and was just out of the top 4 for the money! Here's video of his lifts:
Strengthen your weaknesses and take your warm up and mobility training to the next level with The Powerloop! Stay in the Loop with the Powerloop! The M2 Method Raw Training Ebook The M2 Equipped Training Ebook The OBB Power Handles The Effective Floor Based Home GHR 12 Weeks to a Bigger Bench EBook