Judy and Davey Reed had yet another great day at the AWPC Worlds in Louisiana!
.Here are Judy’s best lifts, a bench of 57.5 kgs/126.8 lbs and a deadlift of 105 kgs/231.5 lbs, both of which were World Records!
Here’s Davey’s best deadlift of 150 kgs/330.7 lbs which was a World Record as well!
Thank you to Amy Jackson and Garry Frank for running a great meet. Thank you to all of the spotters, loaders and judges and everyone involved as well.
Judy and Davey are great to work with and are perfect examples of the benefits of strength training at any age. It’s never too late to start to improve your strength, bone density and overall health! They both follow my Minimalist/M2 Method which has proven to allow them to stay consistent without injury. Volume doesn’t make you stronger. Intensity and correctly programmed progressive overload are what make you stronger!