December should be called Deconjugatember due to the number of conjugate commandos that pop up for the new year. I fall in a small minority that feel Louie Simmons should have a ™️ on it and the reason is because of all the fucked up, stupid special exercises that have become known as the entire system. Every week I see some dumb AF variation of a variation of another variation #conjugate.
You know what is also part of this system? The fucking max effort method where you lift shit that makes your head want to pop off. NOT “picking up heavy things” or “lifting heavy shit” but straining until your balls pop off and end up under the belt squat machine. Missed those clips on The Gram.
Another MAJOR part? Lifting shit with explosive force. When really done right you may puke or need some time to come back to reality.
I’m pretty sure the shit I’m seeing is NOT what Louie had in mind when he began to share it with the World. No, I’m sure.