This week seemed to throw all kinds of wrenches. I had in my mind what I wanted to do for this third week of this training phase and by Monday morning a few things already got whacked.
Not terrible, just not what I had planned. So Monday I scratched the third week of spider bar with bands (was actually going to work up to a heavier, but still speedy single), but was unable to with the equipment I had available at the moment.
Wednesday was supposed to be my third week of heavy bench bloks and I modified that as well due to a time constraint.
Friday got completely whacked. Spent the day chaperoning my son's field trip and then finished preparing for my daughter's birthday party. (Insert #cupcakefail and a re-make.)
Saturday ended up being an early morning session before baseball and birthday party. So.... not an ideal week, but work got done. Thank goodness this is just the off-season.
Sometimes training will have to change. Sometimes life, work, kids, sickness, etc can cause you to make adjustments. I can't tell you how many times I have clients get upset when the plan changes, because they somehow feel they "didn't do what they were supposed to."
There are times when you'll stick to the plan and be able to make it work. And then there are times things will need to change. And that's ok. Thankfully this is an off-season for me so I'm ok with making those adjustments.
Monday - Dynamic lower
A. Lateral box jumps 3x3 each side
B1. SSB speed squats - 8x3 @ 165
B2. Lateral jumps - 4x2 each side
C. RDL 3x8 @ 205
D1. Reverse lunge 3x8 each
D2. Adductor machine 3x12
Wednesday - Heavy upper
A1. Bench - worked up to 3x3 @ 165
A2. Lat pulldowns (light) - 5x10
B1. Shoulder saver - 3x10 @ 155
B2. Low row - 4x12
C1. Face pulls - 3x15
C2. Single arm pushdowns - 4x12
D. Curls - 1 drop set
Saturday - Repetition Upper
A. Swiss bar speed bench w/ mini bands - 9x3
B. Swiss bar bench - 2x20 (5 reps at each grip) @ 95
C. Lat pulldown - 3x12
D1. Laterals - 3x12
D2. Upright row - 3x12
E1. Triceps - 3x12
E2. Curls - 3x12