The most misunderstood yet is the easiest to implement.
The worst style of program to pre-write any type of meso cycles for but the easiest to regulate micro cycles. This is why programs are liabilities and coaches and education are assets.
If you don’t know the basics, you’re lazy. They are posted everywhere for free.
You will need guidance at some point but must be kicked to the curb to really learn.
Know the difference between volume and workload.
It MUST be adjusted for geared lifters as well as those who are enhanced - not the other way around.
Max Effort means to strain for one rep! Not sets of 3,5 or 10 reps. One solid rep with a great set up can be more time under tension than a triple can.
Dynamic Effort is about speed. Nobody gives a fuck about how much weight you can use for DE benches at the meet.
Working hard matters.
No matter what anyone says, Louie Simmons is responsible for how we see the method today, bringing it to the masses and the core evolution of it. Love him, hate him or don’t give a fuck about him. It doesn’t change this.