As you've followed along since the Arnold back in March, I've been talking about being more athletic and doing more athletic movements. Here's a recap/reminder of how my training is set up:
Monday: Max Effort lower (5's, 3's, 2's... not set in stone but keeping same movement and building each week has helped tremendously)
Wednesday: Max Effort upper (5's, 3's, 2's... same)
Friday: Athletic/Dynamic lower (including sprints, jumps and some type of dynamic squat)
Saturday: Athletic/Dynamic upper (med balls, dynamic bench)
For these 3 weeks (weeks 4-6 in my training log), the dynamic work is done with chains and also an eccentric lowering. I'm trying that out keeping a dynamic concentric.
Is there a reason I'm doing more "athletic" movements? Well, for one, I enjoy it. It's such a different change of pace from straight powerlifting. And also it keeps my body moving in different planes, which ultimately keeps me healthy. Limiting yourself to only powerlifting ROM's or certain movements will ultimately lead to joint stiffness or compensatory patterns.
You might think, "Well dang, Julia, I have no desire to throw a ball or jump over hurdles or even walk far, let alone run... I just wanna be strong and doing all that other junk will inhibit my gains."
I truly believe that strength athletes can blend some of those things and still be strong. There is a time and place for it (off-season) and in the long run will keep you healthy and in the game longer. And for MY life, I enjoy being able to run around with my kids, play baseball, swim, ride bikes and more. And even if you don't have a desire to do any of those things, waking up with less aches and pains is always a good thing.
A. SSB front squat 4x2 @ 195
B. SSB goodmorning squats 3x8 @ 135
C. Manual GHR 4x6
D. DB Seated Deadlift 3x12
E. Decline situps 3x10 w/ bar
A. Incline 3x5 @ 135
B. DB Floor press 3x12 @ 50
C. Mag grip pulldowns 4x10
D. Fat bell rolling extensions
E. Incline facing Y's and T's
A. Dynamic Warm up
B. Sprints 5x15 yards
C1. Depth drop to box jump 3x4
C2. Accelerated squat jumps 3x5 (band assisted)
D. SSB box squat (wider) 5x3 w/ 5 second eccentric + 2 chains @ 115
E. Deficit sumo deadlift 3x6 @ 225
F. Step-ups 3x8 each
G. Back raise + 35# 3x10
A. Med ball underhand toss 3x5
B. Bench 5x3 +1 chain @ 95 w/ 5 second eccentric
C. Strip the rack OH press 3x6 @ 65
D. Single arm DB bench 3x10
E. Pendlay rows 3x8
F. Dips 3x10
G1. Seated DB cleans 4x15, 15, 12, 12
G2. Tricep pushdown 4x15
G3. DB curls 4x15, 15, 12, 12