All I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym.
I can’t begin to count the number of times I have read, heard, or have been directly told that consistency is THE most important indicator in the gym.
Yet, I also can’t begin to count the number of great lifters who’s training would be considered as very inconsistent. There are also those who would be at the top of the game, disappear for a year or two, and be right back on top.
Let’s not forgot those who show up, day in and day out, for years on end, and seem to never get anywhere. Those who do never miss, are always up with the best training and nutrition, and follow through but still fall short.
Consistency is “KEY” right?
Basically, all you have to do is show up. Let me flip this and ask. If you started your own business and just showed up, how well would it do? If you worked for a company and just showed up every day, how fast would you advance? If you're in a relationship and you’re just roommates, how would that turn out?
Showing up is the minimum of what needs to be done! You can’t just show up and expect to advance. Yet, so many can’t... even...do...this. For others if they do, it’s the best they do. Then they make excuses as to why they are not where they need to be...and never take personal responsibility or accountability.
Show up, master the craft, learn when to push hard, learn when to risk, learn to walk the side of the cliff, learn when to back down, learn to speak up, and ask and listen. Raise your stress and work capacity and keep pushing. It’s not about hard work or working smart.
It’s about pushing yourself to BECOME better at what you do, push past limits, deal with shit, finish things and stop all the damn excuses.
Do it! If it doesn’t work out, do it again, try it another way...adjust, adapt and overcome. Ya, it might be easy for some but if it’s not for you does it really change anything if you really wanted it in the first place?
These might not be the “key” others speak about, but who needs a key when you can have the fucking castle.
Consistency is simply the dirt that the castle is built on.