Sorry for the delay between posts...there wasn't much to cover the past few days. I took a few days off of training and kind of relaxed the diet for a bit because I was starting my contest prep this morning.
I'm currently 16 weeks out and I think I'm in the low 280s still (haven't weighed myself lately.)
Here's what I'm eating on day one of the diet. I'll train legs tonight. Legs would normally be a high carb day, but I had plenty of carbs yesterday, so there's no reason to push them today.
7am: 1 carton egg whites, 1 cup oats with raspberries
10am: 8oz flank steak, 50g carbs sweet potato/white potato mix
12:30pm: 8oz extra lean ground beef, same potato mix
3:30pm: 8oz beef, potatoes
5:00pm: 8oz beef, 1 cup rice
6pm: 120g HBCDs, 60g EAAs
8:30pm: 8oz beef, 1 cup rice
This is the same Matt from the Q&A that asked you about your AC joint sprain a few months back. Any luck getting that strip of muscle to activate? Do you get any clicking/popping in that shoulder? Do movements like shrugs or deadlifts feel slightly "off" to you? Just wanted to check in and say mine is doing much better with a few movement modifications, but not quite 100%. I'm back to training fairly heavy and hoping with time it will mend.
I consider green leafy veggies to be a "free food," so I don't count them in my macros.
To be honest though--I don't include very much of them until I'm later in the diet and more hungry
I'm still having trouble activating that strip. It's most noticeable (muscularly) on rear delt movements and lat movements.
It's most noticeable strength-wise on one-arm rows--it can feel like my shoulder is being pulled out of socket on that side