This is the point where I start to cross that line between dynamic and max effort work on my speed squats but a buddy of mine has some chains for me here and he hasn't been able to get them to me yet. This MIGHT be my last week with crazy band tension, although I have "one more" trick up my sleeve that I just might try next week instead 🙂
SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
332 + Heavy Bands x 2 x 2
+ Heavy Bands x 2 x 2
+ Average Bands x 2 x 2
+ Average Bands x 2 x 2 (starting to black out at the top of every rep)
+ Light Bands x 2 x 2
lower box height by 1 inch x 1
lower box height x 1 inch x 1
332 + Heavy Bands to very low box x 2 x 2
Bench Press (using extreme caution with my shoulder)
+ doubled mini bands
3 sets of 2 reps each at
135, 157, 179, 201, 223
245 x 1 x 2 sets
267 x 1
Unracked 289 and went down to a painful negative
JM Presses
bar + doubled mini bands x 15 x 2 sets
wrapped my arm with some EliteFTS compression floss and hoped for the best
115 kg x 2 x 5 sets
135 kg x 2 x 2, tears actually came to my eyes it hurt so bad
Finished off with some abs, ghr and lots of therapy work!