Recent comps:
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to raw powerlifting meet prep for May. As of right now, tentative physique show planned for September... #creatingamonster.
Here we go again. Starting off week 3 with another bang (leg day). Squeezed it in before the softball madness started. So it's probably a little less voluminous than normal... but no less easier.
Food has been on point, although yes pretty difficult at the ball park all day. Especially since my appetite went south last year and I can't stomach cold chicken and rice anymore. Cardio is getting done. I try to do my brisk walking with the kids and the dog. If the kids are gone for the day, then I'll do it at the gym. I don't like keeping them there too long. Sure, they know mom needs to workout, but it's also their summer time and I want to make sure they enjoy it and that we also have time together as well.
So... yes, everything is getting done. I'll be honest in that I haven't been weighing my foods, so I'll probably need to get a little more specific with that. But I do know I'm on point (years of measuring and your eyeballing gets pretty good.)
People always ask how things are going. I mostly just say "busy" and keep to myself. But frankly, there's a lot going on right now. Life is a bit chaotic. A few serious moments of panic, stress and heart break. And they say that when you go through rough times, it's supposed to teach you a lot about yourself. And I've learned a lot, that's for sure. Some days, even though I walk myself through the positives and good things, all those little things squeeze their heads in. I tell myself I'm strong enough. I tell myself I can do this. I tell myself that I'm valuable and worthy. That I'm wanted and appreciated and good enough. And sometimes crap still creeps in. It's not easy. But every decision has led me here. And frankly, I'm ready to jump and take some risks. Or maybe just step... one step at a time.... a risky step, but at least it's moving forward.
A. Narrow stance squats (moderate and just above parallel) 4x12, worked up to 205
B. Leg press growing sets x12, 12, 10, 10, 15, 20
C. Hack squat
D1. Leg extensions
D2. Hamstring curls
(For some reason, this combo of leg ext/curls makes me want to vomit every time. I'm sure it has to do with the work done previously, but this F's me up every single time.)
E. Db stiff legs
F. Calf raises
(The interweb depth judges got me on this one.)
Another squeezed in workout before softball. These 7-9 hour days in the sun are exhausting. Fun but exhausting. It's been pretty cool to watch her get exponentially better these past few weeks. Also allows for a pretty wicked tan this summer. And we all know more tan = more jacked.
A. Plate loaded shoulder press 2x15
B1. Oh Db tricep extensions two hands 4x12
B2. Preacher curls 4x12
B3. Seated laterals 4x20
C1. Mace ball pushdowns
C2. Incline supinated Db curls
C3. Standing 90 laterals
D. Close grip bench 2x20
E. Straight bar 21's T
A. Lat pulldowns 5x12-12-15-15-20
B. Pull-ups BB style 5x8
C1. Stiff arm rope pulldowns
C2. Rear pec deck
D. Low cable row with wide overhand grip
E. Incline facing shrugs
A. Close grip bench press 4x12 @ 135
(This was hilarious. I did my first set @ 115. Easy peasy. And I knew that 135x12 was going to be tough but doable. Let's just say by the last set, I only got 11.5... with no spotter... so you can only imagine what happened next.)
B1. Db standing shoulder press 5x20
B2. Lateral raises 5x8 heavy
C1. Db upright rows
C2. Lateral raises
D. Banded pull apart holds
E. Rope pushdowns
F. Tate presses incline
(This was a fun day. With the way things were laid out in the previous few days, I was given some high paced work. 5 sets with a little bit of everything. Ropes are always fun and definitely keep my heart rate up. Then arm swole to finish. )
A1. Db bench press
A2. Db curls
A3. Db row
5 sets
B1. Incline flyes
B2. Preacher curls
B3. Rear raises
5 sets
C. Battle ropes x20 secs on 40 off 10mins
D. Banded pushdowns x200
E. Banded curls x100