Recent comps: May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to raw powerlifting meet prep for May. As of right now, tentative physique show planned for September... #creatingamonster.
Welp, this concludes week 10 of actual prep work. 3 weeks to go til show day. It's been a pretty interesting prep, very different from my last 3 years... training and diet-wise.
1. Training has been super high volume. Not that last year wasn't but it seems to be even higher. Legs only once a week and nothing heavy (haven't squatted in like 8 weeks, haha).
2. Training split has been mixed. Some days are ONLY shoulders or ONLY back. And other days those are mixed in with some arms. And some are ONLY arms. It's been a nice mix and change and the higher frequency for these parts has paid off. Bigger, thicker, wider and overall more balanced. (As a powerlifter, my triceps used to overpower my biceps and delts were almost non existent.)
3. Diet has been steady, slow and working to maintain size. A few times in the past I've dieted hard, leaned out fast but definitely lost some size. One thing I know about myself is that I can lean out pretty quickly. So this year working on getting to that condition without losing size too early on. Definitely a more delicate balance without any supplemental enhancements.
4. Posing every day for 10 minutes.
5. Sitting at about 1500 calories right now. Not too shabby. Last year was just under this at show time.
This was a great way to finish the week. Since we pushed the last few days together, this was a good one. Was able to enjoy a little refeed at the ball park and then have Sunday completely off.
A. Db Arnold's 4x15
B. Lat pull downs 5x15-8
C1. Close grip ez bar press 5x10
C2. Close grip ez curls 5x12
D. Db laterals x4 sets
E. Low cable row x4 sets
F1. Incline hammer curls x4 sets
F2. Rope pushdowns x4 sets
(almost all exercises finished with drops or rest/pauses)
Super excited to see bench on the menu for today. In my powerlifter brain, I knew what I could hit for 4. But my bodybuilder brain said, "No, you haven't benched in awhile. Take small jumps." And good thing I listened. 150x4 was solid. Maybe had a rep or two left, so that's good. Just fatigue fast as I don't do a lot of chest work right now (I know, crazy, right?)
A. Bench press 5x10-8-6-4-12 (worked up to 150x4)
B. Dips 4xswole
C. Laterals 4x12 drops
D1. Db supinated curls x4 sets
D2. Db hammer curls x4 sets
E1. Wide ez bar pushdowns x4 sets
E2. Close ez bar pushdowns x4 sets
F. Cable laterals 4x12
G. Machine shoulder press 4x10-15
Another great day. Got some real good work in and holy crap was it HOT in the gym today. After my training, I did my incline walking and was drenched. Felt good though.
This was also a day where I'm mid-set doing some HEAVY rows and some dude decides to say "Excuse me" in the middle of my set. Couldn't wait like 3 more seconds apparently. I don't talk to many people in the gym, but I always have gym etiquette. I don't walk in front of people. I'm mindful of their space. And I put my shit away. Come on people!!!
A. Lat pull downs wide 5x12
B. Chins 4x6-8
C. Stiff arm rope pulldowns 4xswole
D. Db rows heavy heavy heavy 3x15 @ 90's!!
E. Machine pulldowns 3x10, 2x8 rest pause each
F. Rear pec decks x4 sets
This was a good day. Decent swole although not my best. I only had one meal prior to training so that could've been it. I also didn't sleep well last night. Scott also has some thoughts as this was the 3rd day in a row of training and I seem to get that way on the third day. (I go 3 on, 1 off.) Especially since I'm not "taking anything" we need to make sure I don't pound myself into the ground too much. Recovery does me real good. So we'll see what next week brings.
A. Db Arnold 1.5's 5x8
B1. Around the worlds 4x12
B2. Db lateral circles x4 each
C. Incline facing laterals 4x15 rest pause last one
D. Machine shoulder press 4x15-10, drop set
E. Rope upright rows 3xswole
It's funny when you look at a workout like this and think... eh, not so bad. Don't get me wrong, still tough. I LOVED the lunges at the end. Deficit definitely hit my hammies and glutes way up high.
A. Leg extensions 4x20
B. Hamstring curls seated 4x20
C. Leg press 5x25
D. Smith machine lunges 4x12 each
E. Hack squat 4x15
F. Reverse lunge, deficit x50 each