Recent comps: May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to raw powerlifting meet prep for May. As of right now, tentative physique show planned for September... #creatingamonster.
This was a good, fun and great pump day. Straight arms after legs yesterday. A and B set up real good blood flow and then rest just finished it off.
A. DB curl 21's x4 sets
B. Push down straight bar 21's x4 sets
C1. Preacher curls
C2. Incline extensions
D1. Banded curls x100
D2. Banded pushdowns x100
E1. Hammer curls
E2. OH DB ext
F1. Concentration curls x3 sets
F2. Close grip push-ups x3 sets
Tiny back off before "the big push", which can only mean things are about to get nastier. Little bit of shoulder work finishing with LOTS of blood flow with the ropes. Been doing cardio separate from training (had been hitting right after) to keep some blood in the upper body longer.
A. DB Arnold's 4x20
B. Rear pec deck 4x15
C. Rev incline laterals
D. Machine laterals
Ropes -
Circles x100 each big
Laterals x100
Alternating arms x100 each
Double arms x100
Circles x100 each small
Got up and did early cardio. Silly dog only makes it about 20 minutes. Haha. Good back day. Pulling lats hard and just working on feeling every rep. Did about a 15-20 minute posing session in the afternoon... had me sweatin' like crazy! But got a few positions changed up and it looks like it's bringing out some better lines.
A. Bent over rows underhand 5x12 drop set last
B. Chest supported rows 5x15 rest pause last
C. Stiff arm pulldowns
D. Lat pulldowns behind neck
E. Rear pec decks
F. DB rack attack x3 sets
Shoulders are my fave. Changed up some food and meals for the final push. Hit some cardio (I sprinted!!! Felt good even though I almost died). Clients are kicking butt, both those locally and far away.
A. Machine shoulder press 5x12 drop set last
B. Double cable laterals 4x12
C. Reverse incline laterals
D1. Rope front raises
D2. Rope face pulls
E. Machine dips
F. DB seated Arnold's, rest pause each
Another good arm day with some cardio of course. Friday traveled down to Ohio for the Wendler UGSS (underground strength session, which I'll write more about later). But I did manage to get my cardio in before the kids got off to school. Know what I love about 5:30am cardio? I can sing outloud!
A. Ez bar preacher curls 5x10
B. Dips 5x10
C1. Incline hammer curls 4x12
C2. Tate presses 4x12
D1. High cable curls 4x20
D2. Rope pushdowns 4x20
E1. Ez bar curls 3x15 rest pause last
E2. Slingshot pushups 3x15 rest pause last