Recent comps:
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to powerlifting meet prep for May. Possible physique show late summer while we transition back to high volume and more mass again... #creatingamonster.
Week 2 of post-meet, semi-offseason, high volume monster training was awesome. Saturday started off with leg day. Now, it doesn't happen often that I get close to vomiting. Maybe I felt a bit off being out of my routine (trained later than normal... I'm a bit OCD about my meals and training times). Maybe it was the hot weather creeping in. Or maybe it was just that the workout was a killer.
Took Sunday off. Then picked back up with shoulders on Monday, back on Tuesday and some more legs on Wednesday. Lots of baseball and softball games this week too... and the kids are out of school. Balancing it all gets a little trickier during the summer. Sometimes it means moving training days or clients around. But we always make it work. Add now that my daughter made the 8U All-star team (and I have some thoughts surrounding this as well), will be a busy couple months. But I'm so proud of her I'm glad she tried out.
Onto training.....
A. Front squats w 1 sec pause 4x5 @ 155-175
B. Leg press 6x20
C. Snatch grip stiff deads 4x6
D. Hamstring curls two up one down 4x6ea
E. Pulsed lunges x100 ea
F. Abs 5mins
(Squats felt awesome. I really worked on keeping my chest up, lats tight and not falling forward. I was SUPER pleased with how these went. Leg press... I knew it was gonna be tough. And it was. But it didn't hit me til the stiff leggeds. Quads were shot and didn't want to hold me up. Hammies working over time and my lungs were dead. Had to dig deep to finish this one.)
A. DB bench press 3x15
B. Seated DB Arnold's 4x12-12-10-10
C. Machine laterals 4x12 rest pause last
D. Cuban presses w/BB 4x8-12
E1. Seated laterals 4x8-12
E2. Bent over rear raises 4x12-15
F. DB rack attack laterals x8-15
G. Push-ups x100 (Pushups took me 7 sets to finish 100 reps when normally takes me 3. That's always a good time)
A. DB row 2x15
B. Chest supported row wide 5x12
C1. Pull-ups 3xmax reps
C2. Pull-ups bodybuilding style 3x5
D. Low cable row 4x15 drop set
E. Face pulls on a knee 3x20 drop set
F. Rear pec decks 4x15 w pause (Good back day. The pullup complex was tough after all the work before them. But made for some good lat contraction. I added a micro mini on the rear pec decks for some added end range tension. Perfect.)
A. Hack squat 2x15
B. Wide stance squats 4x8-6-6-12 (185 up to 225)
C1. Leg extensions 4x15
C2. Hamstring curls 4x8
D. Hack squats piston style 3x20
E. Abs 10mins
(This was a fun day. Squats felt great. I almost didn't go as heavy, but I knew I could do it. Sometimes the RPE feels different in my head, if that makes sense. All the other swole work didn't seem like much but definitely got a good pump.)
A1. Seated laterals 3x30
A2. Db upright rows 3x20
B. Bradford press with press 5x6
C1. Single arm lateral raise standing 5x10
C2. Single arm rear raises 5x10 with hold
D. Chest machine press stack or plate 3x25 drop set last one
E. Rope face pulls 3x12
(wow. That first A series really lit me up. Made the Bradfords super tough. Didn't need to go heavy but got in some good work.)