Recent comps:
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to powerlifting meet prep for May. Possible physique show late summer while we transition back to high volume and more mass again... #creatingamonster.
Deload week was welcomed. And quite fun actually. The workouts were no more than an hour which was nice. Things have been up and down busy. Good news is that clients are rockin' it out (both online and in person folks), kids have been crushing it at softball/baseball, and the weather has been getting nicer.
I've been doing something every night that's been helping keep my head level. You see, when things seemed to pile on me, I would write/vent/journal before bed. Happen about once a month, but I wasn't consistent... only when I felt the weight of the world. So what I started doing about 2 weeks ago was to start a list. Nothing formal or fancy, but just a list... "Things that make me smile." And the key was that I HAD to write something every night.
Corny perhaps, but you know what it did? It helped me to focus on the good things and not on the negative... especially before bed, after the long day had worn on me, I could reflect on positive things and leave my head with good thoughts and dreams.
And yes, it helps. Some days it's a long list of 10+ and others it's just a couple. I try to write things that happened that day, to remind me that every day has good in it.
I'm still working through Jen Sincero's book "You Are a Bad Ass." I'm taking my time, highlighting notes and even re-reading some things. One thing she stated in there was this.
"Your job isn't to know the how... it's to know the WHAT and be open to discovering, and receiving, the how."
A1. Squat 185x1
A2. Deadlift 225x1
24 minutes
B. Leg press 3x12
C. Walking lunges 3x20
D. Single leg leg curls 3x12 each
E. Abs 10mins
A. Bench press
Close/Mid/Comp grips
9x3 @ 115/125/135
B. DB shoulder press 4x20 @ varying ROM's
C. YTWL facing incline 3x12-15 each
D. Rope face pulls 4x15
E. Push-ups x100
A. Hack squat 4x8
B1. Leg press 4x15
B2. Leg extensions
B3. Hamstring curls
C. Goblet squats 2 sec pause
D. Abs 10mins
A1. DB bench press 4x15
A2. Chest supported rows 4x15
B1. Mace pushdowns 4x20
B2. Hammer curls 4x20
C1. Machine shoulder press
C2. Low cable rows
D1. Incline flyes
D2. Facing incline flyes