Recent comps:
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to raw powerlifting meet prep for May. As of right now, tentative physique show planned for September... #creatingamonster.
This was another solid week of training. Leg day is still making me sore every time. Upper body feels decent. Sunday I got some soft tissue work done as my elbows have been really beat up. I need to keep up with it for sure.
Adjusted just a few small things with the diet. There was a LOT of glycogen depletion this week. Got in my steady state as well as HIIT on my off day. Friday I was allowed a cheat meal (burger and sweet tater fries and a scoop of ice cream). Saturday woke up with my abs showing. So that was nice to see. They will come in fast, now just gotta get my legs to do the same.
Things in life are... still a little chaotic. Some day I'll tell all that's going on. But got a few things in the works and excited about some potential possibilities. Kids are done with softball and baseball for now. And school starts in just a few short weeks. Craziness.
Also, Scott and I have spoken and while diet and prep are going well, we would like to bring in another set of eyes for the last 7-8 weeks. It's always helpful to have another opinion and it's someone we both respect a ton. Once it's confirmed, I'll announce who it is that will be helping us out with the final diet details.
(Funny how leg day always starts with sorry.....no you're not. No. You're not sorry).
A. Leg press 4x50 no lockout/stopping.
B. Db goblet - deep 5x8-10 (worked up to 100)
C. Lying hamstring curls 2/1
D1. Leg extensions 5x15
D2. Sissy squats 5x20
E. Hack squat narrow 4x12
F. Abs 5mins
(Today was a GREAT session. Was at another local gym where I trained quick so I could get my ART/Graston's/soft tissue work done with Jason Colley. Shoulder pump was insane. Jason spent some time on my front delt/bicep tendon, down the bicep, into the forearm and pronators. Hit the subscap a bit, as well as the teres, rhomboid and lat. When I got done, I think my shoulders had even more blood in them.)
A. Machine laterals 4x25
B. Seated Arnold presses 5x8-12 drop set last one
C1. Cable laterals 4x15
C2. Cable upright rows 4x12
D. Machine shoulder press 3x50 lighten weight every 10 reps. Like 3 giant drop sets
E1. Bench dips 3xmax reps
E2. Db curls rack attack 3x8-10's
A. Neutral grip pulldowns 4x10-12 drop set last one
B. Hammer row 4x10-15 drop set last one
C1. Rear pec deck 4x15 drop set last one
C2. Face pulls w rope 4x15 drop set last one
D. Hammer curls 4x12
E. Preacher wide grip
F. Machine curls
(This day gives you a snapshot into the amount of sets and reps I do. Granted this was an arm and shoulder day so a few more exercises on the docket, but everything is super high rep right now. Love it.)
A. Wide grip bench 4x12 @ 135
B1. Skull crushers into close grip presses 6x8/8
B2. Hammer curls 6x12
C1. Straight bar 21's 5 sets
C2. Push downs 5x12
D1. Lateral raises 5x10
D2. Seated supported neutral shoulder presses 5x15
D3. Rear raises 5x20
E1. Concentration curls 2x20
E2. Rev. grip pushdowns 2x20
A. Bb style pull-ups 5x8
B. Supinated hammer pull downs 5x12-10-20-10-12
C. Kneeling rope pulldowns 5x15
D. Incline facing shrugs 4x15 double impact
E. Rear pec deck 4x12 drop set each one
F. Abs 5mins
(again with the sorry. #sorrydoesntcutit #thatsok #gonnagopro)
A. Leg press 4x50 (sorry)
B. Snatch grip deads 4x12
C. Hack squat 4x20 short rest
D1. Piston goblet squats 3x25
D2. Leg extension 3x15
D3. Hamstring curls 3x12
E. Reverse deficit lunge 3x12
F. Calf raises standing 3x30