Recent comps:
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to powerlifting meet prep for May. Possible physique show late summer while we transition back to high volume and more mass again... #creatingamonster.
Back to full go after deload week. A few bumps in the road this week (outside of training). Managed to work through them, although didn't seem like it at the time. Lol. Thank goodness for best friends.
In this recent article from Joe, he talks about mental health and the strength athlete. I'm not sure if being a perfectionist makes me a good strength athlete, or if because I'm a strength athlete, I've developed perfectionist tendencies over the years. Probably the former, as I can recall my early athletic and academic days of wanting everything to go right. And when it doesn't, it's a major point of stress and anxiety.
I hold myself to a high standard when it comes to training. Sometimes that's a good thing. Sometimes it can get to your head and make you feel like you fell short when it didn't go exactly the way you had it played out in your head. Much like life, right? We have an image of what we want to happen, or how we think it should be. And rarely does it turn out that way. But we can either fold our cards and walk out... or we can stand up and find another way.
But training is typically an outlet, a way to clear my mind, get out frustrations and have time to myself (especially at this point in my life that I train alone.)
A. DB laterals 3x30
B. Push press 4x8
C1. Laterals into incline 3x15
C2. Rears into incline 3x15
D. DB seated swole press
E1. Rope upright rows
E2. Stretch shoulders
E3. Front raises
F. Banded pushdowns x200
A. Leg press 3x20 light
B. Squat SSB narrow 6x6
C. Leg press 5x10drop set last one
D1. Eccentric hamstring curls - slow as fuck
D2. Fast hamstring curls
E. Leg extensions
F. Leg press shoulder width
G. Abs 5mins
A. Chest supported rows 3x15
B. Hammer pulldown 4x8-12 rest pause last two
C1. Rear pec deck
C2. DB pullovers
D. Lat pulldowns
E1. Ez bar curls
E2. Incline skull crushers
F1. DB rack attack 2 sets
F2. Banded pushdowns x20
A. Bench press comp grip 6x3 @ 160/165
B1. DB shoulder press 5x8
B2. Laterals 5x15
B3. Bent over raises 5x12
B4. DB shoulder press 5xfail
C. Face pulls rope
D1. Incline Tate presses
D2. Preacher curls
E. Machine laterals
A. Hamstring curls 3x20
B. Stiff DB Deads dimmel style 4x12-15
C. Lat pulldowns supinated 5x12-12-10-10-20
D1. Rope pulldowns
D2. Pull-ups super wide
E. Single leg hamstring curls
F. DB row
G. Rear pec deck
A. Straight bar curls 5x12-12-10-10-8
B. Dips 5x12-10-10-8-8 (45-55#)
C1. Incline hammers
C2. Incline tricep ext
D1. Preacher close grip 3x15 varied tempo
D2. Close grip sling shot push-ups x30 varied tempo
E1. Machine triceps
E2. Machine biceps
F. Abs 5mins