Recent comps: May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to raw powerlifting meet prep for May. As of right now, tentative physique show planned for September... #creatingamonster.
Another challenging week as the big push begins. Started with legs on Saturday of course, which was followed by the near completion of the new tattoo (yep, 3rd session in and **almost** there). I have pretty high pain tolerance, but I get to about 2.5 hours and I'm ready to be done. Pain gets aggravating and I'm more restless than anything. Shoulders falling asleep, uncomfortable positions, but I LOVE it.
Moved on with a ton of shoulder work and back work with some arms mixed in. The high frequency seems to be doing some good. Some days are lotta drops and rest/pauses and some are just straight volume. The week at a whole looked like this:
Saturday - legs
Sunday - Shoulders and biceps
Monday - Back
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - Shoulders and bis/tris
Thursday - Back
Friday - Legs
Normally I would've had Friday off and train legs Saturday but we flip-flopped a few things so I could do legs while the kids were at school Friday (take my time as those days seem to be long). Made Saturday a combo shoulder/back/arm day and to have the rest of the day off, as well as Sunday for some family time.
Went to a White Sox game with the kids and some friends. I sometimes forget just how much I enjoy baseball. Both my kids played this past summer and I realized, as I'm jumping up and down and screaming my head off, that I really love it. But here I am, sitting out in center field of what I still call Comiskey Park, beautiful Chicago evening, fresh cut green grass, the crack of the bat, the pop of the ball in the catcher's glove....
I could've stayed there all night. I grew up around baseball. A lot of it. My dad played before I was born and was quite good. My older and younger brothers played. Both stud athletes. I spent every summer, from as young as I can remember, at town ball parks and schools. And as the younger sister, I didn't just wander around and find other younger sisters to play with (ok, occasionally I did), but I actually watched the games. In high school, when I wasn't running track, I was watching games. Double header Saturdays. Crazy heat. Sudden down pours, cold nights in April.
Being at that Sox game helped me to just BE. (Granted Wrigley Field would've been better, but hey, South Siders need some love too.) It was a much needed evening out. Of course being with my kids, laughing, high-fiving at homeruns and dancing to get on the big screen. But I needed it for myself. I'd go back every weekend just to be in my element. It's been quite a few years since I've been to Wrigley so I'm thinking I'm due for a game there. After all, this could be their year. 😉
A. Leg press 2x50 2x25 2x20 heavy rest pause
B. Leg extensions 4x15
C. Seated hamstring curls 4x12 rest pause 2
D. Smith machinesquats 5x12
E. Lying hamstring curls 4x12
F. Leg press 2x100
A. Seated machine shoulder press 5x10-15
B. Straight bar curls 5x10-12 drop set
C. Double arm cable laterals 4x15
D. DB shoulder press standing swole style 4 sets
E. Incline hammer/supinated curls 4x8/8
F. DB around the worlds standing 4x8-12 Monday
A. Neutral wide pulldowns 4x12
B. Supinated pulldowns 4x12
C1. Rear pec deck 4x12 rest pause last one
C2. Barbell shrugs 4x20 rest pause last one
D. Low cable rows 4x12
E. Cable double rears 4x15
F. Lat pulldowns wide 3x12-15
A. Shoulder press 3x15
B. Bent arm laterals 4x12-15
C1. Neutral grip shoulder press machine 5x12-10-8-12-10
C2. Lateral banded holds 5x5secs@5 reps
D1. Skull crushers 4x12
D2. Ez bar curls 4x12
E1. Pushdowns 4x15
E2. Db curls 4x10
F. Rope laterals x200 reps
A. Bb style pull-ups 4xswole
B. Wide low cable rows 4x12 drop set last
C. Rope shoulders forward pull downs 4x12 last set drop
D. Rev incline raises 4x20
E. Rev incline or chest supported rows 3x15
A. Leg press plate adding each set x10 all the way up and all the way down x10 minimal rest.
B. Leg extension x100 reps minimal rest
C. Hamstring curls x100 reps minimal rest
D. Leg press 4x25
E. Pulsed lunges smith machine 4x12ea
F. Single leg hamstring 3 sets
And coincidentally someone posted an old pic on Instagram and made me go "whoa, I was small." So I compared 2014 to 2015 to 2016 and I'm amazing (and proud) of the progress that's been made. Sometimes we really do forget how far we've come until we see the big picture. Huge changes and more to come. It's been a GREAT off-season.