Set your bands up on the bar like shown. If you don’t have band pegs on your bench use a heavy dumbbell on each side. A five lb plate can be wedged on both sides of the dumbbell. When benching with this bar set it up so your pinkies are wider than your thumbs. To limit your range of motion set the bar so the camber is toward your chest. For extra range of motion spin the bar (like a helicopter blade) so your chest goes into the camber (2nd video). To do a normal ROM press just put a 1 board on your chest so it fills the camber. For all variations keep your chest and stomach up, shoulder blades locked down and start the bar down by breaking at the elbow first. To press; punch your hands and squeeze the bar. Your shoulders will thank you. - - This bar can be used for both max effort and dynamic work. AMERICAN CAMBERED PRESS BAR