For years I️ trained all back movements with my scapula retracted and depressed. Or locked in the position we want them when we squat, bench and deadlift. I️ thought this was a way to keep your shoulder healthy because 15 years ago all you heard about was anterior shoulder impingement, it was similar to the great glut firing madness that’s currently going on. So in an effort to combat this I️ did all rowing movements with my scars in that position. I was duped, the fitness industry swung my pendulum too far to one side! In order to maintain good shoulder health, you have to incorporate some scapular mobility into training. I️ think the best way to incorporate mobility work is through Weighted/ strength movements. A great way to do this is to do half of your rowing movements with some scap protraction involved. You can do this with any movement but these two really help stretch because of the ROM when reaching across your body. All you have to do is let you scapula move away from your spine on the eccentric part of the movement and get a good stretch in each rep when your arm is extended.
MAKE SURE, when you start the concentric portion it’s started with pulling your scap back into retraction and depression then you can finish the row. These have been a big help in my shoulder progress over the past few months.