While squatting today, I could see one of the lifters having more of a confidence issue rather than what I know his strength to be.
We were doing heavy weight for significant reps using a Specialty Bar that comes with their own sets of challenges.
Immediately, I remembered the story behind the phrase, "Damn the torpedos...full steam ahead". I believe it was Admiral Farraguaut of something like that was committed to advance his fleet up river taking on any damage necessary to secure his position. He was willing to scuttle the boats to advance and take over the objective. However, by scuttling the boats he was COMMITTED to the task. He could not fail or else they all die.
To prove my point, I jumped into my last set of eight reps and removed all the spotters from around me. I barked..."Damn the torpedos..."
I finished my set and thought I made the point that I was committed to do so.
Then, I pointed my lifter in, barked again.."Damn the torpedos..." to which he then successfully accomplished the same weight, reps and and sets.
But that was NOT my lesson. The weights only provided a launch pad or a testing ground for it. The lesson was simple, yet greater than any lift.
You will find yourself at times needing to GO FOR IT! Because you can and did using a barbell and some weights, there is no difference in the attitude necessary.
YOU MUST BE COMMITTED and unwavering to achieve the objective when failure is NOT an option.
Yea, he got it!
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 min
Squat with specialty bars
Bike Commute: 20 min