Hmmm, since Christmas,I've been in a constant battle with a cough that originates in the upper chest and throat area. Kind of a come and go thing, but GEESH...since Christmas?
Well, I'm convinced that I need to go see someone TODAY! It's kept me awake for the last three nights in coughing spasms.
I've tried most over the counter remedies, and a few Voo Doo brews. Think I might have to up the game a bit and take some REAL drugs.
That will have to wait, before I head into Urgent Care, I need to:
Football Tryout Combine
Skating Skill Practice
Birthday Party
Dinner Plans out.
hmmmm...maybe I'll get healthy tomorrow instead.
Fast a furious.
Dead lift: Work up to a 3 rep max
Squat: Take off 10% from last weeks 5 rep max and perform 5x5 at that weight. Use the SSB Yoke Bar and Parallel Box