OK, so "The Coach" had a plan and it went like this:
- I've been having some decent training sessions lately but I haven't had much of an appetite. I know that I'm getting stronger by default (injuries are easing up) and I need to do a lot of other things correct in order to ensure long-term progress.
- I will do speed deads with 500 for multiple singles with very little rest between sets
THEN, "The Athlete" starts talking to me over my shoulder and says:
- Everything feels light today and your arm isn't hurting too bad. You need to take advantage of your good days and save your technical days for your bad days.
- You pulled 700 x 2 last week which means you have a solid 750 in you if you want it.
- Load the bar!
And after I pulled 500 x 2 I just heard voices coming from The Athlete. Brian loaded the bar and I lifted. As long as it was going to be a recent PR, I didn't care what he put on there. I could pull ANYTHING for a single and maybe a double depending on how I felt...
warm ups
500 x 2
590 x 1
710 x 2, recent PR
Lat Pull Downs
3 sets of 15, these still hurt even with super light weight
Dbell Rows
35 x 10
55 x 10
65 x 8
75 x 8
85 x 6
95 x 5, right arm hurt on extension, left arm is still not even a warm up
Viking Press
2 plates per side x 10 x 2 sets strict
3 sets of 8
And all of the sudden we looked over and saw THIS!!!!