This week I am giving you not only written tips, but a video.

We are settling back in at TPS to regular business now that the move is done and we are not as jacked up for time. This means that we can start making some training videos for you like we used to.

This week we uploaded a new video to our YouTube channel on the deadlift. It addresses the issue of the hips not rising at the same rate as the shoulders and getting out of position.

When we start in a bad position or we fire in the wrong order, we generally see the lower back become a mover as opposed to a stabilizer in the deadlift.

We should all realize that we want to lift with the lower body and stabilize with the upper body on the pull. Taking the weight off the hamstrings and shifting it to the lumbar is a recipe for disaster.

Everything is about position and set up regardless of the lift, and I feel this is really important in the deadlift. It’s also pretty easy to fix.

Murph Koklyaev

One way is to add in the Koklyaev deadllft. I mentioned this a few months ago after we saw it at the Sheiko/Koklyaev Semnar at TPS. I love seeing a new and productive exercise and I feel this one is gold. We named it the Koklyaev Deadlift because when Mischa showed it to us, he didn’t give it a name, so we did.

The next exercise is really just a drill where you set up and really load your hammies against the bar. It teaches lat engagement and proper firing sequences.

We will also show a Sheiko favorite, the deadlift to the knees.

Murph Sheiko

Sadly for you, I am not in the video except at the very beginning. My Director of Strength and Conditioning, Kevin Cann and our intern Matt are the stars.

I’ll be gracing you with my handsome (not as handsome as Casey Williams) face in future videos.

Watch the video and try the exercises even if you have a good deadlift.

I am sure it will help.

Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header

Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Malden, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.

Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSMalden


Vincere vel mori

Total Performance Sports