Today, I’ve got a Deadlift Quick Fix to Build a Bigger Deadlift Fast. One of the most common things we see in the Deadlift that prevents the most weight from being lifted is a poor lockout.
All too often people arch their lower backs into the lockout and lean way back, or fail to use the glutes to finish. Both of these add up to less weight lifted. Let’s look at them both.
Locking your deadlift out with your lower back by arching into it or leaning back too far is not optimal and can add a lot of excessive shear force on your lumbar spine (lower back). It’s also not mechanically efficient. Constantly doing this over time can/will lead to lower back issues.
Remember, the Deadlift is not bad for your back unless you do it wrong. When done right, it is GOOD for your back.
The second issue we see a lot is not using the glutes to lock out.
The glutes are or should be a VERY strong muscle group and when recruited properly, they give you a mechanically efficient and strong lockout.
In today’s Deadlift Quick Fix to Build a Bigger Deadlift Fast I’ve got a pretty simple to set up exercise that teaches you to really drive the glutes into to the bar and finish the lift TALL.
Standing TALL at the end of the lift ensures that you used all of the muscle groups required to lock your deadlift out properly.
Enter the Rack Pull with Bands as our Deadlift Quick Fix to Build a Bigger Deadlift Fast.
These can be used as a warm up exercise to get your body moving properly or as a second exercise.
Using it as a second exercise after your primary movement is best done for sets of 3-5 reps. Use a weight that allows a quick pull off the pins and a solid, tall lockout.

Where you set the pins in the rack is up to you. I suggest 2-4 inches below your knee for most work. Working in this range allows you to use a position that isn’t too hard to maintain (the lower you go, the harder it is to keep proper positions), and as this is a technique builder used in this case to correct a specific issue, glute engagement we want to be in a spot that allows us to fully utilize them. Using this 2-4 inch below the knee position will let you really focus on firing the glutes hard as you lock out and standing tall.
I also advise using a weight that lets you lock out FAST and HARD. Make the plates snap at the top. You know what I mean, that rewarding noise the plates make when you lock out fast.
You also don’t need a ton of band tension to get the benefit. A mini band to begin is usually fine.
Watch the video on my Deadlift Quick Fix to Build a Bigger Deadlift Fast below.
Add them in if this issue applies to you and let me know how they work.

If you are in the Boston area next weekend, we are hosting our annual charity truck pull.
The Big Rig Charity Gig is Saturday August 13, 2022 from 12:00 pm -2:00 pm at 100 Exchange Street, Malden Ma.
100% of the money we raised at the event will go to two local charities:
The Claddagh Fund
Bread of Life Malden
Spectators are free, and you can make a donation if you like.
Link to pull a truck if you want to try it out is in my Instagram bio @tpsmalden.
See you there.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
August 4, 2022