I did deads on Tuesday this week with Kendall & Omar. Since I know I cant pull heavy from the floor every week I try to use other ways to still get it done. Today was a great day for doing rack pulls. Which is great for working the top end of the deadlift. I call it the finisher! You want to always be able to finish your deads strong.
Rack pulls, 225x5, 345x5, 455x3, 555x3, 655x3, 700x3, 750x3, 810x3, 865x3, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)Speed pulls 325x1x10sets 45 sec break in between each speed pull set. GHR5X10 Upper back 8 sets 8-10 reps