There are two ways to exert your strength: one is pushing, and the other is pulling.
That's how you train. You are either pushing or you are pulling.
There is no need to complicate this.
Today's Training:
Run*: I got up extra early and couldn't go back to sleep, so off I went. 3 miles and felt pretty darn good.
Cycle*: Commute
- Blast Strap Row:
- Pushups:
- Fat Grip Dead Hang
- Front Plank
Dynamic Deadlift: 5x13 to warm up and only with the bar super set with
GHR: 4x10
Then the Dynamic Deads: 15x1 EXPLODE the weight off the ground, which means...GET super tight before you even start adding tension to the bar. Once the bar starts to bend, RIP the damn thing off the floor!!!
GHR: AGAIN! 4x10
Shrugs: 4x10
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
Cycle*: Commute